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Joining forces in 2023, Jack Forrest and Mark Rosenthal bring over 35 years of combined theatre experience to Greater Manchester based Pantomime production company, Forrest - Rose Productions. 

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Jack Forrest

Writer & Producer

Jack has worked in pantomime for 10 years both on stage as a Dame and Comic and off stage as a writer and Director.

Jack has worked in children's theatre since graduating in 2017, running various youth theatre groups and performing in interactive performance for under 5s

Jack's  Pantomime work has secured him several awards including Best Male Comedy performance, best Comedy Double Act, Most Accomplished Portrayal of a 'Good Character' and Best Dame.


Jack's written and directorial work has won multiple awards for Best Original Script as well as Best Pantomime.


Mark Rosenthal
Director & Producer

Mark is an award winning performer and director with dozens of productions under his belt.

Mark has a passion for making theatre and has spent over half his life honing his skills and building his experience to bring exciting and high quality theatre to the stages of Greater Manchester

In his over 25 years directing theatre, Mark's awards include Best Director and Best Musical for 'I Love You, You're perfect, Now Change', Best Production for 'Brassed Off', Best Musical for 'Calendar Girls, The Musical', Best Musical for 'Chicago' and Best Musical for 'School of Rock'


An Absolute Hoot!

"Jack Forrest has years of experience delivering pantomime, and this shone through in the writing"


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