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Completing our cast will be a fantastic ensemble of dancers provided to us by The Miss Joanne Farnell School of dancing.

(Left to right) Grace Farnell Dodds, Sofia McGrath, Eve Timperley, Abby Garner and Olivia Morris

Charlotte - Dick Whittington.png
Katie P - Alice.png
Isobel - Tommy.png
Katie M - Queen Rat.png
Jack - Sarah.png
Josh - Jack.png
Paul - Alderman.png
D'mi - Bowbells.png


Mark is an award winning performer and director with dozens of productions under his belt.

Mark has a passion for making theatre and has spent over half his life honing his skills and building his experience to bring exciting and high quality theatre to the stages of Greater Manchester

In his over 25 years directing theatre, Mark's awards include Best Director and Best Musical for 'I Love You, You're perfect, Now Change', Best Production for 'Brassed Off', Best Musical for 'Calendar Girls, The Musical',  Best Musical for 'Chicago' and Best Musical for 'School of Rock'

Gemma is Director and Head of Service for Bury Music Service, a strategic partner in the Greater
Manchester Music Education Hub.

Having spent her childhood playing in regional and national orchestras, pit bands and ensembles, 
she went on to study Music at Birmingham Conservatoire with Clive Lander and Nic Fallowfield.

Gemma works as a teacher, conductor, pianist, Musical Director and violinist. Whilst passionate
about music education, her true love lies with the theatre. Gemma loves working with companies to
produce music theatre productions and pantomimes and is excited to be working with Forrest-Rose
Productions for the first time.

After graduating from Northern Ballet School, Joanne followed a professional dance career, which included dancing in pantos as well as many other shows.

She has taught dance in many schools and colleges across the North West and choreographed shows including Chicago, Sweet Charity, West Side Story and Oklahoma.


Joanne also has her own dancing school in Manchester which opened in 2000 and runs the annual Salford Dance Explosion at The Lowry Theatre.

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